Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.
Lazurus Long


All the best.


Happy trails to you.



I have been blogging for over six years. Four years here and two years at my old, original blog (where I met what could be considered my very first bloggy friend, Natalie). I have loved this community not only because it provided countless hours of "I should be working" entertainment and even my first friends in St. Louis (Heidi, Angie and Alyssa).

But alas, each time I've recently logged in I feel that overwhelming thought of, well, I'm over it. I've logged so many memories in my life here but I often find that I just sit at a blank screen with nothing new to say.

My life has shifted. With our recent move to Iowa, I'm now working from home and each second that ticks by is essentially a billable hour that I could be focusing on my clients and work or Nick's business. I have other things I'd like to focus my attention and energy toward. I loved blogging but now it is just another item on my to-do-list.

I'm not discounting a future blogging endeavor with more career focused content or even picking up in the future our lives on this personal blog.

But for now, I'm done.

Au revoir.
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