Wednesday, February 11, 2009

God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.
J.M. Barrie, Courage

I returned yesterday from a wonderful week in Florida! I had a lovely time and here are some highlights of my great memories from the week:

  • My mom's black lab Francis is the kind of dog that wiggles from head to toe when you see her. How could you not feel loved? She also ate a whole stick of butter off of the kitchen counter and kept sneaking naps on the couch!

  • Although we had grand plans to see a lot o movies, we only saw The Curious Case Benjamin Button. I really liked it but we both agreed to stick with non-tear inducing movies. We did enjoy yummy lunches and shopping!

  • My mom and I have a thing for Cardinals because whenever we see them we think of my father. When I arrived at home this Cardinal sat in the tree outside my second floor bedroom window for at least 15 minutes. He just sat and watched. I loved it!

  • Nick's house in Fort Myers, where we used to live, is currently being rented (at this point, I think I will always have a house in Florida!). The landscaping was recently cleaned up and I stopped by to see it - so pretty!

  • On Thursday while in Fort Myers I was able to join my friend Ashley to celebrate her birthday. It was nice to stay with old friends and enjoy some time together (with Ashley and Melissa below).

  • I'm glad I had the chance to have lunch and wander downtown Sarasota with mom. It's such a nice area, here's one of my favorite buildings:

  • When I arrived back in St. Louis not only was a I greeted by a handsome husband but also pretty pink tulips!

  • The first box I opened when i got home was from the Pink Swap - pictures to come tomorrow!


gv said...

Looks like your trip was awesome! Glad you're back to blogging!

Molly said...

Oh what a fabulous trip! Glad you enjoyed yourself.

Sh. said...

What an awesome trip! I LOVE Sarasota.

And how awesome are those tulips!

CRICKET said...

I love the title of your blog and I think its wonderful your hubs gave you flowers!

Natalie at Our Old Southern House said...

such a fun trip!! ...and i never realized how much you look like your mom--wow!--y'all could be twins! :-)

Petunia said...

Those tulips are gorgeous!!

The tank in slate looks fabulous on your friend!! Maybe I'll keep the slate one and return the charcoal one!

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