My dad believed in two things: That Greeks should educate non Greeks about being Greek and every ailment from psoriasis to poison ivy can be cured with Windex.
Toula Portokalos, My Big Fat Greek Wedding
My mom and I laughed during My Big Fat Greek Wedding when Toula's father proclaimed that everything could be cured with Windex.

My father used to say the same thing about Pepto-Bismol. If you had a headache, your foot hurt, or you were just tired, "take a swig of Pepto." Didn't even matter if it wasn't your stomach that was upset, Pepto was what would help. And you know, it usually worked!
I've learned that Nick is the exact same way with aloe gel. No matter the ailment, "put some aloe on it Randall!" usually works.
Randall, that is hilarious! I will have to say that I, too, think that you can solve the world's problems with a swig of Pepto. My roommates in college used to think I was crazy that I would drink it out of the bottle!!
Ha! I love that movie! And I agree, aloe works wonders!
That is great!! I have never turned to either, but maybe I should! Come to think of it, pepto might be pretty good right now!
I hope you are having a nice day!
I love that movie! Thanks for the reminder! I'll try the aloe thing too...
I'm going to have to try the pepto thing!! haha.
Oh hilarious!
This is too funny. I loved that movie!!!
My MIL, it is vitamin E oil. It cures everything from rashes to broken bones. ;)
i love it. my college roommate thought tumms would solve any ailment.
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