Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others.
Sonya Friedman

How many times have we all said it?

I'm too fat to wear these shorts.

If I'd lose 15 pounds, then you might actually see me in a bathing suit.

Do my arms look gross and flabby in this top?

Ew, I'm so fat.

I know I've said it. My friends have all said it. Yes, even you mom. We all "fat talk."

The University of Colorado has proven that women consistently overestimate the size of their hips by 16% and their waists by 25% but the same women can easily and correctly estimate the width of a box.

According to a study by the Klarman Eating Disorder Center, young girls today are more afraid of being fat than of cancer, nuclear war or losing their parents. The same center also showed that after women viewed photos of female fashion models, seven out of ten of them felt more depressed and angry.

What gives?

These same beautiful women I know who fat talk are college educated, many with post-graduate degrees. They have healthy families, caring husbands and partners, and are successful in their chosen career paths. They volunteer in community organizations, donate time and money to numerous charities and are passionate about their causes. They have great hair, killer shoes, tell funny stories and make brownies from scratch.

I'm proud to say that my sorority, Delta Delta Delta, has taken the initiative to end fat talk. This is the third Annual Fat Talk Free Week, designed to raise awareness of the damaging impact of fat talk on women in society.

I'll be posting more about this great campaign but think about all of the times you fat talk to friends over the next few weeks. Then join me for Fat Talk Free Week October 18 - 22.


Sara Elizabeth said...

I didn't know you were a Tri Delta as well! I am so proud to be apart of this campaign as well! DL!

Jill said...

Love it!
PS - You are beautiful!
PSS- pass the cheese dip.

Ashley(whole-ier) said...

I'm spreading the word too! check out my 365


K said...

I'm pretty excited about this!

The place where I went IOP for an e.d. in St Louis is participating and doing an art show.

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